Source code for lightweight_mmm.utils

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"""Set of utilities for LightweighMMM package."""
import pickle
import time
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple

from absl import logging
from jax import random
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy import optimize
from scipy import spatial
from scipy import stats
from import gfile

from lightweight_mmm import media_transforms

[docs]def save_model( media_mix_model: Any, file_path: str ) -> None: """Saves the given model in the given path. Args: media_mix_model: Model to save on disk. file_path: File path where the model should be placed. """ with gfile.GFile(file_path, "wb") as file: pickle.dump(obj=media_mix_model, file=file)
[docs]def load_model(file_path: str) -> Any: """Loads a model given a string path. Args: file_path: Path of the file containing the model. Returns: The LightweightMMM object that was stored in the given path. """ with gfile.GFile(file_path, "rb") as file: media_mix_model = pickle.load(file=file) for attr in dir(media_mix_model): if attr.startswith("__"): continue attr_value = getattr(media_mix_model, attr) if isinstance(attr_value, np.ndarray): setattr(media_mix_model, attr, jnp.array(attr_value)) return media_mix_model
def get_time_seed() -> int: """Generates an integer using the last decimals of time.time(). Returns: Integer to be used as seed. """ # time.time() has the following format: 1645174953.0429401 return int(str(time.time()).split(".")[1])
[docs]def simulate_dummy_data( data_size: int, n_media_channels: int, n_extra_features: int, geos: int = 1, seed: int = 5 ) -> Tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]: """Simulates dummy data needed for media mix modelling. This function's goal is to be super simple and not have many parameters, although it does not generate a fully realistic dataset is only meant to be used for demos/tutorial purposes. Uses carryover for lagging but has no saturation and no trend. The data simulated includes the media data, extra features, a target/KPI and costs. Args: data_size: Number of rows to generate. n_media_channels: Number of media channels to generate. n_extra_features: Number of extra features to generate. geos: Number of geos for geo level data (default = 1 for national). seed: Random seed. Returns: The simulated media, extra features, target and costs. """ if data_size < 1 or n_media_channels < 1 or n_extra_features < 1: raise ValueError( "Data size, n_media_channels and n_extra_features must be greater than" " 0. Please check the values introduced are greater than zero.") data_offset = int(data_size * 0.2) data_size += data_offset key = random.PRNGKey(seed) sub_keys = random.split(key=key, num=7) media_data = random.normal(key=sub_keys[0], shape=(data_size, n_media_channels)) * 1.5 + 20 extra_features = random.normal(key=sub_keys[1], shape=(data_size, n_extra_features)) + 5 # Reduce the costs to make ROI realistic. costs = media_data[data_offset:].sum(axis=0) * .1 seasonality = media_transforms.calculate_seasonality( number_periods=data_size, degrees=2, frequency=52, gamma_seasonality=1) target_noise = random.normal(key=sub_keys[2], shape=(data_size,)) + 3 # media_data_transformed = media_transforms.adstock(media_data) media_data_transformed = media_transforms.carryover( data=media_data, ad_effect_retention_rate=jnp.full((n_media_channels,), fill_value=.5), peak_effect_delay=jnp.full((n_media_channels,), fill_value=1.)) beta_media = random.normal(key=sub_keys[3], shape=(n_media_channels,)) + 1 beta_extra_features = random.normal(key=sub_keys[4], shape=(n_extra_features,)) # There is no trend to keep this very simple. target = 15 + seasonality + beta_media) + + target_noise"Correlation between transformed media and target")[ np.corrcoef(target[data_offset:], media_data_transformed[data_offset:, i])[0, 1] for i in range(n_media_channels) ])"True ROI for media channels")[ sum(media_data_transformed[data_offset:, i] * beta_media[i]) / costs[i] for i in range(n_media_channels) ]) if geos > 1: # Distribute national data to geo and add some more noise. weights = random.uniform(key=sub_keys[5], shape=(1, geos)) weights /= sum(weights) target_noise = random.normal(key=sub_keys[6], shape=(data_size, geos)) * .5 target = target[:, np.newaxis].dot(weights) + target_noise media_data = media_data[:, :, np.newaxis].dot(weights) extra_features = extra_features[:, :, np.newaxis].dot(weights) return (media_data[data_offset:], extra_features[data_offset:], target[data_offset:], costs)
def _split_array_into_list( dataframe: pd.DataFrame, split_level_feature: str, features: List[str], national_model_flag: bool = True) -> List[np.ndarray]: """Splits data frame into list of jax arrays. Args: dataframe: Dataframe with all the modeling feature. split_level_feature: Feature that will be used to split. features: List of feature to export from data frame. national_model_flag: Whether the data frame is used for national model. Returns: List of jax arrays. """ split_level = dataframe[split_level_feature].unique() array_list_by_level = [ dataframe.loc[dataframe[split_level_feature] == level, features].values.T for level in split_level ] feature_array = jnp.stack(array_list_by_level) if national_model_flag: feature_array = jnp.squeeze(feature_array, axis=2) return feature_array# jnp-type
[docs]def dataframe_to_jax( dataframe: pd.DataFrame, media_features: List[str], extra_features: List[str], date_feature: str, target: str, geo_feature: Optional[str] = None, cost_features: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> Tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]: """Converts pandas dataframe to right data format for media mix model. This function's goal is to convert dataframe which is most familar with data scientists to jax arrays to help the users who are not familar with array to use the lightweight MMM library easier. Args: dataframe: Dataframe with geo, KPI, media and non-media features. media_features: List of media feature names. extra_features: List of non media feature names. date_feature: Date feature name. target: Target variables name. geo_feature: Geo feature name and it is optional if the data is at national level. cost_features: List of media cost variables and it is optional if user use actual media cost as their media features in the model. Returns: Media, extra features, target and costs arrays. Raises: ValueError: If each geo has unequal number of weeks or there is only one value in the geo feature. """ if geo_feature is not None: if dataframe[geo_feature].nunique() == 1: raise ValueError( "Geo feature has at least two geos or keep default for national model" ) count_by_geo = dataframe.groupby( geo_feature)[date_feature].count().reset_index() unique_date_count = count_by_geo[date_feature].nunique() if unique_date_count != 1: raise ValueError("Not all the geos have same number of weeks.") national_model_flag = False features_to_sort = [date_feature, geo_feature] else: national_model_flag = True features_to_sort = [date_feature] df_sorted = dataframe.sort_values(by=features_to_sort) media_features_data = _split_array_into_list( dataframe=df_sorted, split_level_feature=date_feature, features=media_features, national_model_flag=national_model_flag) extra_features_data = _split_array_into_list( dataframe=df_sorted, split_level_feature=date_feature, features=extra_features, national_model_flag=national_model_flag) target_data = _split_array_into_list( dataframe=df_sorted, split_level_feature=date_feature, features=[target], national_model_flag=national_model_flag) target_data = jnp.squeeze(target_data)# jnp-type if cost_features: cost_data = jnp.full(len(dataframe), 1), dataframe[cost_features].values) else: cost_data = jnp.full(len(dataframe), 1), dataframe[media_features].values) return (media_features_data, extra_features_data, target_data, cost_data)# jax-ndarray
[docs]def get_halfnormal_mean_from_scale(scale: float) -> float: """Returns the mean of the half-normal distribition.""" # return scale * np.sqrt(2) / np.sqrt(np.pi)
[docs]def get_halfnormal_scale_from_mean(mean: float) -> float: """Returns the scale of the half-normal distribution.""" # return mean * np.sqrt(np.pi) / np.sqrt(2)
[docs]def get_beta_params_from_mu_sigma(mu: float, sigma: float, bracket: Tuple[float, float] = (.5, 100.) ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Deterministically estimates (a, b) from (mu, sigma) of a beta variable. Args: mu: The sample mean of the beta distributed variable. sigma: The sample standard deviation of the beta distributed variable. bracket: Search bracket for b. Returns: Tuple of the (a, b) parameters. """ # Assume a = 1 to find b. def _f(x): return x ** 2 + 4 * x + 5 + 2 / x - 1 / sigma ** 2 b = optimize.root_scalar(_f, bracket=bracket, method="brentq").root # Given b, now find a better a. a = b / (1 / mu - 1) return a, b
def _estimate_pdf(p: jnp.ndarray, x: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: """Estimates smooth pdf with Gaussian kernel. Args: p: Samples. x: The continuous x space (sorted). Returns: A density vector. """ density = sum(stats.norm(xi).pdf(x) for xi in p) return density / density.sum() def _pmf(p: jnp.ndarray, x: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: """Estimates discrete pmf. Args: p: Samples. x: The discrete x space (sorted). Returns: A pmf vector. """ p_cdf = jnp.array([jnp.sum(p <= x[i]) for i in range(len(x))]) p_pmf = np.concatenate([[p_cdf[0]], jnp.diff(p_cdf)]) return p_pmf / p_pmf.sum()
[docs]def distance_pior_posterior(p: jnp.ndarray, q: jnp.ndarray, method: str = "KS", discrete: bool = True) -> float: """Quantifies the distance between two distributions. Note we do not use KL divergence because it's not defined when a probability is 0. Args: p: Samples for distribution 1. q: Samples for distribution 2. method: We can have four methods: KS, Hellinger, JS and min. discrete: Whether input data is discrete or continuous. Returns: The distance metric (between 0 and 1). """ if method == "KS": # return stats.ks_2samp(p, q).statistic elif method in ["Hellinger", "JS", "min"]: if discrete: x = jnp.unique(jnp.concatenate((p, q))) p_pdf = _pmf(p, x) q_pdf = _pmf(q, x) else: minx, maxx = min(p.min(), q.min()), max(p.max(), q.max()) x = np.linspace(minx, maxx, 100) p_pdf = _estimate_pdf(p, x) q_pdf = _estimate_pdf(q, x) if method == "Hellinger": return np.sqrt(jnp.sum((np.sqrt(p_pdf) - np.sqrt(q_pdf)) ** 2)) / np.sqrt(2) elif method == "JS": # return spatial.distance.jensenshannon(p_pdf, q_pdf) else: return 1 - np.minimum(p_pdf, q_pdf).sum()
[docs]def interpolate_outliers(x: jnp.ndarray, outlier_idx: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: """Overwrites outliers in x with interpolated values. Args: x: The original univariate variable with outliers. outlier_idx: Indices of the outliers in x. Returns: A cleaned x with outliers overwritten. """ time_idx = jnp.arange(len(x)) inverse_idx = jnp.array([i for i in range(len(x)) if i not in outlier_idx]) interp_func = interpolate.interp1d( time_idx[inverse_idx], x[inverse_idx], kind="linear") x =[outlier_idx].set(interp_func(time_idx[outlier_idx])) return x